Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

Hello you two faithful viewers you! I am back in the blue chair and back online. After a few weeks of break I thought we would give it a go today. I have half been staying away due to the fact that we are expecting another blessing (yes I did say "blessing" at least that is how I interpret Psalm 127:3 read it. WOW it says REWARD you all! ) and I can be anywhere and at any time fall completely asleep. Seems like lately my "get up and go has got up and went!" I have in the past weeks fallen asleep at the dinner table of all places and too many other places to announce publicly. I.Have.Been.Tired. So....that has been an issue. Remember with me will you that this blog is on the bottom of the totum pole as far as priorities go when raising 5 kiddos. Also, though, my creative juices just seemed to have dried up. Then after a brief hilarious chat with my "Jeffersonian" friend they started flowing again.

I have been pondering New Year's Resolutions....... notice I just said "pondering" and not "making" resolutions. These days my only goal is to have clean underclothes for the family each day and dinner on the table when Hubby comes home. Yeah, not a lot of ambition goin on here. Well then today in Sunday School we were asked what resolutions we had made and it got me REALLY wondering. And I think I know what I want mine to be this year.

I want to spend this whole year REALLY looking forward to heaven.

I want to get my eyes off of a house that is older than Methuselah and realize that this is just a "pit stop" as I finish the work that God has called me to and head to my real home away from home. I get caught up in financial stress, confrontations, world wars, gas prices, and even scare myself silly when someone has some medical problem that looks like their time here on this Earth might be coming to an end. ?????????? THIS IS NOT HOME. (Repeat that to yourself 5 times) Look at your walls, your Kitchen Aid mixer, your Yankee Candle, your Home Interiors picture and tell yourself as you look at them, "This is not my home. This is not where I will spend eternity. All of this is God's and on lend to use for His glory until I get settled into my new place." Okay stop talking out loud, you are worrying the neighbors...

Think of your things, your life as one giant loan from a Heavenly "Rent-A-Center." Um, without all the hidden fees! :) I want to look at Heaven in a new light. Not as something that is wonderful and glorious............if you HAVE to go there. Yes the Lord is there......but squeeze the life out of everything you can HERE before you HAVE to go and be with HIM. I am going to spend less time worrying about cancer and more time laying up things that I will enjoy forever. I am NOT going to bawl like no tomorrow when a sweet saint dies, but will rejoice that they are once again reunited with their sweetheart. Why should I be selfish with them here where they have pain, discouragement and loneliness when they can be with their loved ones in a perfect body.

Yes I said a PERFECT body. All in favor of going home today raise your hand!!!!

Now all of this includes being a better wife and mother and loving investing my time and love and energy in them because...TADA!!! they are coming along for the ride too! What can be better than making your rented home a little heaven on earth until you ALL are reunited IN HEAVEN? So get out your nice apron, read more books, make more biscuts with real butter and serve them with your homemade white peach jam. Put a hot cup of tea in Hubby's hand when he gets home while humming "When we all get to heaven," and pause a moment to look Heavenward.......................


  1. Amen! Towards the end of last year, I began to pray "even so come quickly Lord Jesus", but the urge has gotten stronger this year. I'm excited that this could be the year!
    PS: You have at least three followers, but I'm just a closet follower! =) You know you can be embarrassing at times! J/K

  2. I'm not big on New Year's resolutions myself, but Pastor challenged us to "Be still and know that I am God" this year. That's totally attainable, and wow, we serve an amazing God. It is impossible to be down and discouraged with even a glimpse of Who He really is! I can't wait to get to heaven! I even dream about it at night I want to go so badly.

    I've been praying for you, my sweet friend!
