Today looks to be just about like any other normal day.......well what WE call normal here on 14 West Haywood! And sitting in the comfy blue chair watching me eat my oatmeal in my coke-bottle glasses and fuzzy slippers you would never guess I am a whole year older than I was last night. I kept trying to think of something catchy for a post title......"32 in chair of blue.." yeah I scrapped that idea all together!
Today I am soo wanting to think of and thank other people. So many wonderfully unselfish individuals have invested their lives to make mine all the richer and each year that passes I am more and more grateful for them. And I thought this would be an opportune time to spread some of their much deserved fame. None of us is here by our own boot straps. All of us are a conglomeration of the love, sweat, prayers and tears of people who cared enough to see a diamond where a lump of coal resided.
First and foremost, I thank the Lord for another year, another day, another moment of life. By His grace I have seen my 32nd year, and He alone has brought me to Mongolia and back. I am thrilled that He is not finished with me yet and still has a course for me to run.
Thank you Mom and Dad, for smiling once you found out you were having yet ANOTHER girl. Little did you know that I would pay you back for your love to me in so many ways, like breaking my arm not once but twice, leaving a fishing hook out in our room for Denise to step on and need ER help to get out, and try to raise what I believed to be tad poles in the house, which turned out to be mosquitos. Ahh the memories! I hope I have shown you how grateful I am for your love and support even when you looked at me like I was crazy sometimes! Like when I wanted to throw away my stack of pants when I wanted to attend Heritage. By the way, are they still in the closet???
Thank you White car family, Mom and Dad foremost. You allowed me to see what it was like to serve the Lord, love the Lord and see Him answer even the smallest prayers. I have fond memories of getting my hair done before school, singing "We used to go to Meetings..." and drinking Earl Grey. Thank you for saving me from wild parties, for "I'm a rich man!", introducing me to "table leg," and giving me the courage to make it through Math.
Thank you Mc Pheely family for taking me in and seeing past my "feminist front." (That was for you Tenille... :) Thank you for Buckeyes at rest stops when everyone else is sleeping, for "B-" ensemble grades when you knew I was at C level with Jon, for supporting my decision to get married, and every single act of kindness in between.
Thank you Barth family for making me part of yours from day one. Thank you for meetings at Handels, keeping up with my Mongolian ramblings, watching our kiddos, care packages after car accidents, excellent resources and a lot of love and hot tea. Thank you for the loving example you have been and still are to me.
Thank you Tam and Pat, whom have seen beyond burned bangs, THICK glasses, proud statements, no common sense, and high waistbands to still remain my true blue friendies. Thank you for hiding in the big red car with me in the parking lot of a certain church from you know who, for singing "I shall not be moved," for chicken dinner sandwiches, for "Your young! Have fun!....," for matching sweetheart banquet jumpers, for "The sands of time are sinking," for long talks and a drive to Wolmolsdorf. I count myself so blessed to have you in my corner.
There are many many more people that I could name and thank, but these are the ones that stick out to me this mornin.
I am today remembering a sweet lady who 21 years ago today sent her little girl on to heaven ahead of her. I am looking forward to surprising her with a visit, some flowers and invite her to visit her little girl's grave to sing, pray and let her know that she is not alone in her grief. Actually, no amount of gifts or cake or surprises could make me happier than going to see my friend and sitting by her, giving her a big hug and smiling knowing that death has no more sting for a Christian.
In this life I have, God knows, more than any success, any note worthy thing on my part, I want to be a giver and not a taker. God has graciously given me 32 years of goodness. Can I not spend a few moments investing my life in another person? Sure I can. And so can you.
Go make good on someone's investment in will be so richer for it.
Happy Birthday my new friend!I am so glad I found you and have a chance to get to know you..via blogspot! You are a blessing to me long distance and I LOVE your sense of humor!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!! God bless you for brightening up our lives and helping us draw closer to the Lord!