Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Caleb!!!

Today we celebrate our sweet little "dog teethed" "Da-bed Roy-tee-tee" whom we just COULD NOT do without around here! He is so special to us for many many reasons and ever since his birth, and traumatic giving-back to us by God himself, we have just known that there is a special purpose for his life. 5 years already! Caleb has been itching to do "Cool" (school) with Isaac and Abbs and just thought that when he turned 5 he would automatically know how to read. :-) If you know him, you LOVE him, and we were delighted to celebrate his life today!

We made him a "Peppermint Patty Cake" which.was.delicious.

Caleb wanted a bow so badly and we had a blast giving it to him. Here he is giving us his best "Angry hunter" look.

Anna wasted no time diving into all his other presents.....God bless whomever invented "color wonder" paper AND markers. Get them, they will make you a happy Mom. Well that AND the cake mentioned previously..

Nathan is modeling the bulls eye that came with the bow. Younger brother+ holding the bulls eye over face+ older brother getting a brand spanking new bow for his birthday = no discretion. We will work on that. For now it makes a hilarious picture.

Thank you Lord for Caleb! We once more give Him back to you on his 5th birthday!

P.S. For SOME people having your cake and eating it too is just not sufficient! Anna also decided the candle looked delectable so she "took a bite outta 5." THAT will be an interesting diaper.....


  1. Happy Birthday, Caleb! We just love him, too!


    Sweet pictures - can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!

  3. He reminds me so much of our Dillon. They would probably be best buds if you lived close by. :)

    Happy Birthday, Caleb!!!

    I already love the Colorwonder markers and paper! They're the best. :) But can I get the recipe for that cake?
