Thursday, November 13, 2008


Please take a moment to visit a favorite site of mine today. The site is, Scroll to May 23rd and take a good long peek at the entry entitled, "The Past and The Pitcher." Make sure you mute the CCM and also take a few kleenex with you too.


  1. Oh My Word! I came across this site about a month ago! That is SO weird that you keep up with it too! I had a "tear marathon" just to try to get her whole story! She definitely challenges me at times!

  2. I used to like her blog... but I can't get past her politics. I know, I'm so judgmental!

  3. Everything I read I treat in a "weed and feed" fashion. I take what I can use and leave what gives me a bad taste in my mouth (or spirit!)Though I do not wholeheartedly agree with her on every issue, her genuine love for the Lord, sincerity and honesty is just downright refreshing. It is something I seldom find in people here in my circles. And I wouldn't call you judgmental.....just strange. (JOKING!!!) Good night if we cannot have our own opinions, what have we?? :-)
