A great, big, wonderful thanks to all those dorm girls who helped me with a small "payback" to our Dorm Mom whom is battling cancer at present. Much love, prayers and tears have been put into this scrapbook, and letters, cards and pictures have come from across the US and beyond. Some from Pennsylvania, Iowa, Mexico, Mongolia, and even Russia....... all to express their appreciation for someone "investing" their life in them.
Galatians 6:10 says, "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." and Romans 15: 1&2 tell us, "We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification." I don't think you could ever be too thankful, to anyone, for anything, nor do I think you should underestimate what the Lord can do in your own heart, when you seek to be an encouragement to someone in need. Thank you, old friends, for reaching beyond your own comfort zone to show appreciation to someone who needs to hear it at this moment.
Thank you for having such a servant' heart, Deena. I know that was such a labor of love.
ReplyDeleteCan you please email me? I didn't save your address off of facebook and I can't remember it!
Oops, I forgot to leave my email address in case you don't have it...rebeccahgp0706@yahoo.com