Monday, January 4, 2010

Into the New with the Same Ole'

Winter is in full swing here on Haywood. And I am enjoying the morning monotony and thought I would key you in on what are all the little things that start my day that make me thankful to be a Mom and Wife.

Sweetie Hubby (sorry Beck that just "came out" can I borrow it for today?) wakes me by kissing me "Goodbye" as my head is on the pillow. He brings Anna into the bed with me to snuggle a bit. He has single handedly clothed and fed the three oldest hoolagins and possibly reminded them to brush their teeth before high tailing it to school. He.Is.Awesome. And he can make a killer omelet, but that my friends is a topic for another time.

At this point I either get up and feed Alayna and get movin' or snuggle with Anna-banana for Oh just a WEE BIT LONGER. How MUCH longer is between me myself and I. (big grin) Today I opted for the wee bit longer since Sunday nights have become serious fellowship with folks from church heading way into the night hours. It was worth it to laugh and almost beat Winston at Play Nine. Almost.

Getting Alayna out of bed is one of my favoritest things in the day. She, all warm and snuggly, looks up at you while lying on her stomach and gives you the, "Oh yeah there is my favoritest person in the whole wide world!" smile and that my friends makes me in my old nightgown and Bride of Frankenstein hair feel like a million. I snatch her out and seriously kiss her from now until dinner time. Just want to eat her up most days. While I feed her I usually wake Nase (Nathan) who commonly first wakes from the door closing when Dad leaves, comes into the living room and decides to take up semi-permanent residency in moi's blue chair all cozied up like a cat with his one of three favorite blankets. He then proceeds to fall back asleep and waits for me to feed Alayna on the couch where he then wakes for the second time, asking the same question e-v-e-r-y day..."We gonna eat breakfast?"

I send him in to get all dressed warm because he is just such a peanut and I guess I think the warmer he is the better it is???? Yeah, dunno. I am getting bowls out, spoons and milk for granola that we made the other day, (sorry just had to throw that Betty Crocker moment in there) and catching glimpses of the snow falling outside in spurts, secretly wishing it would become a blizzard, sending my three older hooldums and Hubby home to be snowed in with me.

Anna like clockwork hears the granola scooping, climbs up to the table in footy p.j.'s, groans about the granola (well so much for Betty Crocker..) and then renews intrest in it when I plop a few banana slices in it. Nathan prays remembering to ask God to bless everything except the FOOD. I remind him with one eye open and allow him to carry on. I check email, kiss Alayna a thousand times, referee Nathan and Anna who are accusing each other of having "Bad mannurs," and coax Anna to eat two more bites every 5 minutes or so.

David Smallwood is playing, the house is warm, the kids are persnickety, and there is a clean something or other for me to wear in the closet. It is gonna be a good day friends. Monotony? Sure thing. Wonderful to have purpose, those who love you and need you, and needs met from the Lord? Youbettabelieveit.

Presently Anna is doin' a jig to impress Alayna lying in her boppy, Nase is attempting to understand a Halloween chick tract he got from who knows where, chicken is cooking on the stove for me to make into way too many meals than is humanly possible with only 5 pounds of chicken breast, and I am thrilled like a kid in a candy store to have not only a new box of Earl Grey but also my favorite raw sugar to put in it which makes it just the best. Ever.

I have life, healthy children, strength to care for them, and my house. I have a desire from the Lord to love everyone who graces my doorstep, to make my husband feel like he is the king of the place, and zeal to find every single spare dime and nickle while cleaning to save for a date night.

Who says "Out with the old and in with the new?" I say into the New (year) lovin' the same ole'!"

Alayna needs smoochin'......

Happy New Year friends. Go enjoy your same ole'.......


  1. Sounds wonderful, Deena! Thus begins birthday season for us...

  2. Excellent post Deena!
    Here's to a new (same old!) year to you!


  3. P.S. My new favorite tea is Good Earth Sweet and Spicy Tea and Herb Blend. The aroma gives you a taste before you even taste it. If you've never tried it before, you MUST! ;)
