Friday, August 7, 2009

An Ocean-front view

Have you ever been to the Ocean?

I have. I have dipped my toes in the tip of a wave lapping the beach and wondered at the vastness of the water. And while I was ironing just now I was thinking about the Ocean. Ps 95:5 "The sea is his, and he made it...." God began to flood my heart and it began to skip a beat. I swallowed hard and left the ironing to come and tell you how good the Lord is friends. I am thankful to have a reason to leave the ironing honestly, but I am more thankful that the Lord is still here, still whispering, still ministering to my heart, still allowing me to share that with you.

Have you ever been in the Ocean? Your own Ocean??

You know, you have a set back. It is painful and leaves you staggering, full of questions and weak. You get back on your feet, determined to not let it "get the best of you." You head in to shore and the tide laps at your feet. You turn to see a larger wave headed towards you. In disbelief you stand almost waiting for it to hit, and hit it does.

Maybe it is an Ocean of your own making. Ps 38:4 "For mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me." Maybe you are in a valley. You are low and your tears seem to fill up this depression in the earth until you would drowned in your own hurt and grief of spirit. Ps 42:3 "My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?" And maybe it is an Ocean that God has placed you in waist deep. Ps 95:5 "The sea is his, and he made it:" Each of us has been in our own Ocean, whether man-made or not.

In your mind you KNOW who is in control. Ps 89:9 "Thou rulest the raging of the sea:" You just cannot seem to get your heart to follow suit. All you know at present is that YOU ARE IN DISTRESS. One thing I do know about the Ocean is that one minute it can be still. It can gleam like sun on glass, and the next it is merciless threatening all who are in it's path.

Which Ocean are you presently in?

Joel and I have felt like we have been tossed to and fro, fighting to get to the crest of a wave, treading water, with our heads just able to snag a breath, when another wave peaks and barrels towards us trying to wipe us out. We still have questions, and I am glad that the Lord is not embarrassed by our questions. I am forever grateful that He who sees the beginning and end of a matter in one glance, who holds all the answers, ordained that so many questions would grace the Psalms, seemingly just for me. Joel has been singing "There's no disappointment in Jesus," around the house, and what a blessing that is!

I think the old familiar phrase, "When it rains it pours," should be rephrased to say, "When it rains it FLOODS." All who agree raise your hand.

If you are not in a tempestuous Ocean, praise God. Praise God and watch the horizon, because waves will come. The tide can turn at any moment. Waves can come by way of a financial test, by way of a physical affliction and sometimes even by way of a friend. 2Co 11:26 " in perils by mine own countrymen...." Ps 41:9 Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.

What struck me so suddenly at the ironing board, which made me come and sit and dictate my thoughts was a verse. A verse that made me weep over wrinkled clothes and rejoice in the midst of my Ocean today. It is something that I heard in a sermon preached by my Brother in law years ago, and the gracious Holy Spirit brought it back to my remembrance. John 14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

I have said it before and I will surely say it a thousand times more, I love the Holy Spirit, friends. I LOVE that at any moment He will speak to me, and even through me if I heed Him and do not let a sinful life grieve Him. And He can you too.

The verse that brings me to instant tears is: Re 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

There was no. more. sea. There were no more misunderstandings. There was no more sickness. There were no more physical limitations or pain. There was no. more. sea.

Yesterday was a hard day. Waves do not stay over us, they come and go, come and go, bringing us up and down with them. While I was getting dinner ready I felt like I was drowning in hurt. Joel was listening, he was in the wave with me, trying to understand with me this new wave, and as I tearfully made each persons plate while they were outside playing I just stopped and looked up at him and said, "If we could just get a little break," and the floodgates opened and we held each other and stood in the kitchen. La 3:54 "Waters flowed over mine head; then I said, I am cut off." He hugged me tight and lifted me up to the Lord. We reached once again for our Life Preserver and floated in to the shore. Today, still pondering yesterday's events at the ironing board the Holy Spirit met with me and reminded me of the promise of a place where we will never battle a current again.

Ps 89:9 "Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them."

Ps 106:9 "He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: so he led them through the depths, as through the wilderness."

And though I long for and look for that presence of God, that help of God in our Ocean, I ultimately look for the day when there will be no more sea to battle and wade through here on this sinful earth. Hallelujah, NO MORE SEA. Keep battling friends! Stay afloat with me. The day will come when we will rejoice together that the earthly sea is no more.


  1. You're going through the "depths", and I'm going through the "wilderness". I feel for you, my friend! In the midst of it all, He is still there, He hasn't changed, He is still on the throne, and the victory is STILL ours! PRAISE HIS NAME!

    ~Lots of love, and hugs~

  2. Thank you so much for such an uplifting post. Just last night we got some bad news, so I'm really encouraged by the things you shared. Thanks for helping! God is good, and I'm so thankful that we can bring everything to him and leave it!

  3. Deena - you have an amazing way with words. Maybe you should write a devotional for women! I was thinking of the verse that has meant the most to me this past year in my own ocean - there have been calm times, but many waves as well - and I never realized how many times the Bible mentioned the sea or ocean as you pointed out. So I was remembering my verse and I thought it talked about the ocean but instead it just says waters: Isaiah43:2, "When thou passest through the waters, I WILL BE WITH THEE...." So this verse does guarantee we all will go through waters, but He promises to go with us. I am sorry for all that you have been through. I do not understand why God allows some people to go through SO much at ONE time. However, I have noticed that it does seem to be some of the most outstanding Christians that God puts so much on at once. You are definitely one of the elite in my book! I know that you are in the inner circle with God as well. It is rare to hear one speak of such a communion with the Lord as you do. It challenges me to improve my walk with the Lord. Thanks for being so human as well. Those of us who have unforeseen trials to face who come behind you, need to see a REAL way to get ahold of God and get through it. Thanks again so much for sharing. I LOVE YOU! I am praying for you several times a day. You are my hero! Love to Joel and the family as well. Special kisses for Alayna. :) (Wish we were closer!!) Sending along a hug as well. Love, Sharon
