Thursday, March 17, 2011

Same time, Same place, New laughs

Tonight I did what I tell myself I WILL NOT DO.

I felt like Paul who says in Romans 7:15 "For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I."

I just could not help myself.

Well yes I could I just didn't.

Kindov like ordering two McDoubles for y-o-u-r-s-e-l-f.

Yep. Perfect. Same feeling.

I blog surfed.

(Insert me making a BBBLLLLAAAAHHH face.)

So much out there. Big blogs, small blogs, fancy blogs, "I sell things blogs," 70,000 readers a DAY blogs, I am trying to become a budding author blogs, and my personal favorite, the, I am strange and love that people will come and read my bantor because I AM strange.

Not hatin', just sayin'.

And I read and coveted, and sighed and laughed and looked shocked, and even was moved by some. One 4 post spread about the Magic Kingdom seriously almost make me quit blogging all together. Wow. Yet another reason why we probably will never go there, or desire to. You cannot pray in schools, but you can take out a loan for some "Magical" experience where you spend three days in amusement overload, paying way too much for junk food and making your kids hug every single "Magical" stuffed something or other or smiling lady with huge hair. Still makes me shake my head. The adds tell you, "You will take some of the magic with you when you leave..." Yeah that and some pepto. Better hope that magic makes some payments for you on your credit card.

Ok, sorry.

See where blog surfing gets me? Every time. Every.time.

I do find some humor in all of the various thoughts people share. I think of them and I think of me and get a good chuckle.

I like the fact that dinner time is a potluck of thoughts that are just bubbling out of all of the kids. Joel barely says, "Amen" and here we go off into some explaination about something like whether the blood was cooked out of the meat. It will also be at this time that I can listen to the explaination, scold Anna for singing about blood, ask Nathan to stop picking his nose and remember that cookies are in the oven.

I like that Alayna can cry and Joel and I can volley over who should leave the bed and get up and get her, and we get crazier and crazier reasons each round and by the time we cannot even look at each other for fear of breaking out in laughter she falls back asleep and we just go on reading or doing whatever we were doing in the first place.

I like that I can promise to only read ONE chapter of "The Boxcar Children" and they KNOW that even I want to know what curiosity gets the best of me and I read on....every time.

I like that we get spontaneous calls to pray for church members, family, friends and yes even uncles getting their cows taken away, and we pray. Right then.

I like that I always see a lady in a long skirt or dress and long hair pulled-up each time I go to Wal Mart. I like that God sends her to me and me to her to no doubt encourage each other.

I like that I can make Hamburger Helper and call it "Hamburger Help Yourself" and the kids roar with laughter.

I like that I can begin to say something, it get jumbled and one of my kids will pat me on the hand and say, "It's ok Mom, we know."

I like that I can wear the same apron everyday. EVERY DAY and not care.

I like the fact that it has seen many pies and cookies and that my kids see me every day in it. In my place.

I like that I can sneak into town for something and get two McDoubles for myself from the drive thru and eat them before I get home, wiping the katsup off my cheek as I greet the kids.

I like that I can pray any time of the day kneeling at my bedroom window at my little bench and feel like I am in the world's grandest cathedral.

I like that I can then have some liquid spilled on me from some place by someone WHILE I am praying.

I like that I can cry one whole afternoon about the fact that now that we have moved to the great state of NY, I will miss lilac season. Bemoaning to God how I have FOLLOWED HIM, I have come and the least He could do was to allow me my ONE delight in life.

I like how my husband can then tell me that we have our own bush. IN.OUR.YARD. That I had happened to miss in our moving here and the snow covering every inch of NY.

I like looking at my husband as if it was the very first time I had laid eyes on him. And smile a Cheshire grin.

I like finding one last box of pudding in the pantry, feeling like it is plum pudding at Christmas time and then whisking the daylights out of it with the only whisk I have. The 6 inch one that goes to my mixer.......and laughing.

I like asking my husband things while I am writing like, "How big is that whisk that goes to my mixer downstairs?" and he have no clue why I wanted to know.

I like not being able to silence the laughter when one of us accidentally says, "Can you cut the cheese?"

I like that I have a pillow that was sent to me from my dear friend all the way to Mongolia, now adorning my bed. I like that it makes her seem a little closer.

I like that I can serve Pop Tarts for breakfast and not feel guilty.

I like that I can hug a lady at church, hear her say, "Watch out, I'm grumpy" and say, "Oh good, I am too."

I like that I can read through this list and laugh at my own life.

Because it is my good bloggable life.

I like that someone else will laugh at it too.


  1. Hi Deena, it's Mrs. Brady - I'm one of those who you make laugh!! (and cry. . .the Ugly Beautiful). Looking forward to more great posts.

  2. You don't even feel a twinge of guilt about serving Poptarts for breakfast?!:o) Can I come eat breakfast with you guys!!:o))) Thanks for sharing!

  3. i like when you blog and the Lord sends you again to encourage me in the Lord!

  4. Loved this post. I really enjoy your perspective on life and the reminder to be thankful for & enjoy the big & little moments in life. Thanks for the laughs, too. Very much appreciated today!

  5. You are awesome, Deena! Always enjoy reading your thoughts!!

  6. How did I miss this post? If I hadn't linked to you in my blog I may have missed it altogether and that would have been a travesty! Oh, how you make me laugh! Every single day I get more excited to see you, and it doesn't seem possible to top the excitement of the day before! Can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!!!

  7. Oh, and I can so totally relate to the wiping the ketchup of your face as you greet the kids thing, only it would be hot sauce from Taco Bell in my case. I do that ALL. THE. TIME. And I thought I was so terrible and probably the only mom who would do such a "selfish" thing. I'll never feel guilty again. Thank you! LOL
