Saturday, March 1, 2008

We have recently done some major renovation to our foyer area of our church. Some things have changed since these pics even but maybe they will give you an idea. We hope to refocus on outreach now that the work is done. It is really nice and we are thankful for beautiful debt-free facilities that the Lord has entrusted us with.

Trying to get up and running

We are finally getting this blogging thing down. What a task! Anyway, I thought that this would be a great time to say how thankful I am for my family.

Right now in our church the devil is sure fighting our familes. We have 4 families that are really in deep water. We are praying that parents would be what they should be and that the children would learn what it means to obey and fear the Lord.

So sweetheart, thank you for being a great mother and a wonderful help meet.